Vitamin D and How it Relates to Your Oral Health

How does Vitamin D relate to oral health? There has been a noticeable link between low vitamin D levels and higher risks of both dental caries and periodontal disease. Let’s look at each of these individually: Vitamin D: Essential vitamin for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.  Sunlight promotes sufficient supplementation though the skin when regularly exposed to normal amounts of sun daily.  Deficiency can lead to poor bone health, deformity and weakness.  Vitamin D has other roles in the body, including modulation [...]

By |2019-06-04T19:32:35+00:00August 5th, 2016|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

Children’s Dental Health

Focus on Children’s Dental Health Month Facts and Causes of Tooth Decay February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and we are focusing on educating parents and young patients on the importance of children’s oral health care. Tooth decay is more common in children than any other chronic childhood disease. It is: five times more common than asthma, twenty times more common than diabetes, and four times more common than early childhood obesity. Tooth decay can begin as soon as teeth begin to erupt through [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00January 27th, 2016|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

Effects of Tobacco Products on Your Oral Health

Nothing ruins a smile like tobacco. Kicking the habit now can improve your smile and health! Tobacco use still stands as the single largest preventable cause of death in US. Even with an increase in tobacco product costs, anti-tobacco media campaigns, and smoke-free laws for public places, there is still almost 20% of the American population using tobacco products. The amount of US citizens who have died prematurely from cigarette smoking is more than 10 times that of people who have died in wars fought [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00June 30th, 2015|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

How is Diabetes and Oral Health Linked?

Diabetes can affect your body from head to toe, including your mouth. It may seem unlikely, but uncontrolled blood sugar can have a negative effect leading to the development of gum disease or vice versa. Adults with diabetes are twice as likely to have problems with their teeth and gums as those without. Approximately one third of those with diabetes have severe periodontal disease. The link between diabetes and oral health: Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can be triggered by chronic low grade inflammation [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00November 21st, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

October is National Dental Hygiene Month

In observance of National Dental Hygiene month we are focusing on helping educate our patients and raise the public awareness on the benefits of good oral hygiene. We’re also excited to celebrate National Dental Hygiene month as our opportunity to share with you the wonderful services, and education our devoted hygienists can provide to you and the community.  It’s the perfect time to recognize your hygienist for the contribution and quality care they provide! The American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) recognizes four major components of [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00October 17th, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

What Is Xylitol and How Can It Benefit Your Oral Health?

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that comes from many different plant materials.  It is a widely used sugar substitute and in many sugar free products. Unlike sugar it doesn’t break down and thus can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth.  Tooth decay occurs when bacteria process the sugars we eat. Foods containing ordinary sugar, feed the bacteria in our mouths giving them energy to multiply and make acids.  These acids are what weaken and demineralize enamel on teeth beginning the process that [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00October 5th, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Learn How Bruxism Can Affect Your Oral Health The medical term for the habit of clenching and or grinding teeth is called Bruxism.  It can have many different side effects.  Patients with this habit may or may not be aware they are bruxing.  Some patients experience pain symptoms while others do not. Diagnosis: Your dentist is able to diagnosis bruxism by assessing your: Pattern of wear on teeth Muscle tenderness to palpation Pain symptoms   What causes bruxism? We are currently uncertain what causes bruxism [...]

By |2014-09-12T07:16:10+00:00September 12th, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

Oral Cancer Can Happen To Anyone, Does Your Dental Office Screen for Oral Cancer?

Tenino Family Dental makes oral cancer screening it a routine part of your dental exams. Screening is the number one best way to catch oral cancer at an early stage. Could you be at risk? Most of us are aware that tobacco and alcohol use are not the only causes or risks for developing oral cancer.  Studies show oral cancer is on the rise regardless of tobacco/alcohol use and it isn’t discriminating against anyone’s age, gender, or health.  In fact we are finding that the [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00August 21st, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Your child’s baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they first appear. Tooth decay in infants and toddlers is often referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay or Early Childhood Caries. It most often occurs in the upper front teeth. The good news is that decay is preventable. Baby teeth serve many important functions. Children need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak and have a good-looking smile. But one of the most important jobs for baby teeth is to save [...]

Dry Mouth Syndrome: Affects it Can Have on Your Oral Health

Dry Mouth Syndrome: Affects it Can Have on Your Oral Health Saliva Helps Keep Your Mouth Healthy Our salivary glands are extremely important because they produce the saliva that helps keep our mouth comfortable and healthy. Over 10% of us suffer from dry mouth. It often affects the elderly and tends to occur more often in women than men. Saliva helps keep our mouth moist and starts the process of breaking down the food we eat. Saliva neutralizes acids in our mouth and works to [...]

By |2017-05-25T10:47:59+00:00June 17th, 2014|Dentist Updates|0 Comments
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